The challenge

As new infrastructure was being built for CQG M, CQG needed to prototype new product ideas and data visualizations to work out processes, learn new technologies, and prove to itself that a new platform as possible. CQG also wanted to involve customers in the process, not only to get their input, but also to show that new ideas were emerging.  

The Result: CQG Labs

We took the opportunity to create a public prototyping site to engage customers and participate in the process.The resulting website served as a platform for engaging with customers, a catalyst social media and content marketing, as well a way to concept and prototype new product ideas and agile processes. CQG Labs also served as a forerunner to a new mobile product platform: CQG M.

Example market statistics exploration to give users a view of current market conditions compared the previous 300 sessions, similar to how sports commentators give stat summaries at halftime or in the 4th quarter of a game.

Example market statistics exploration to give users a view of current market conditions compared the previous 300 sessions, similar to how sports commentators give stat summaries at halftime or in the 4th quarter of a game.

Example market data visualization prototype representing trade volume at individual prices.

Example market data visualization prototype representing trade volume at individual prices.

We used the CQG Labs concept and created a live market data dashboard as a projected backdrop for tradeshows.

We used the CQG Labs concept and created a live market data dashboard as a projected backdrop for tradeshows.

Excitement generated on Twitter.

Excitement generated on Twitter.